After a backbreaking day, you deserve the kind of luxury and comfort you get at home. But how? The answer is upholstery furniture! When you have upholstery furniture at home, you need to unwind on a comfy couch with a cup of tea and a book. But it requires proper maintenance and regular care.
There are certain things you should look out for while cleaning. Otherwise, it will cause damage to your furniture. As you know, there are a variety of materials available. So it's important to perform proper cleaning measures. But don't worry! Here you will find some handy tips and tricks from the best cleaning services in Singapore on how to clean different types of upholstery furniture.
But first, you have to know what upholstery is and its types.
Types of Upholstery Materials
Upholstery is the art of providing furniture with some coverings. It includes fabrics, leather, springs, padding, etc. You will find several upholstery materials available in the market. We will mention below the 4 main categories of upholstery!
These are the four most popular fabric types for upholstery. Every material has its own care requirements and cleaning methods. In this blog, you will learn the accurate cleaning methods that meet each type of material care requirement!
Different Cleaning Methods for Different Types of Upholstery Materials
Let's get to the point! Many upholstery furniture pieces have frames made of aluminum, metal, or wood. For people, they might have seemed like pointless small details. But they don’t know, these small details can make a big difference. It enhances the beauty of the furniture.
You need to take care of their cleaning requirements according to the different types of frames.
1. Wood - If you have wood furniture, you should consider these certain things. You can use a simple wood cleaner to clean the furniture. Any microfiber cloth can easily remove or clean the dust or dirt.
2. Aluminium and Metal - They both have the same cleaning techniques. You can clean it with just water and a cloth. But when the substances get stuck, you need a soft brush to remove them.
The furniture contains fabrics that need special care. You have to consider some things before starting the cleaning!
1. Vacuuming
First, you must clean the fabric, whether it's microfiber, rayon, acetate, etc., by vacuuming all over the furniture.
2. Use Upholstery Cleaner
Secondly, gently spray upholstery cleaner all over the furniture after vacuuming. Start testing on an inconspicuous area to ensure you lightly spray and not directly on the fabric in the beginning.
3. Wipe With Microfiber Cloth
Then scrub the entire upholstery in a circular motion to wipe off all the cleaning solution with a dry microfiber cloth. To protect your upholstery from discoloring, you should avoid using colored or printed cloth.
4. Remove Stain Completely
Have a stain on your fabric sofa? To remove the stain completely, gently wipe it across the surface. You can clean off the affected area of the fabric sofa by using alcohol spray.
5. Avoid Harmful Chemicals
Avoid those upholstery cleaners that contain chemical components like Perc (perchloroethylene). This chlorinated solvent is harmful to our health. Use solvents that are non-toxic and do not contain chlorinated solvents.
Cleaning leather furniture is quite easy. You need to follow these simple cleaning steps!
1. Start with vacuuming.
Start with vacuuming to clean the dust particles from every nook and corner.
2. Use leather cleaner.
Kindly clean the surface with a dry cloth by applying a small amount of leather cleaner.
3. Substitute
You can use old white vinegar as a substitute when the leather cleaner is not available. Just wipe your furniture with a dash of vinegar or dry cloth to achieve the desired results.
4. Avoid Using Cleaner on a Regular Basis
As we know, moisture will create a favorable environment for mold, so avoid using lessened leather solvents and cleaners. Rather, you can do vacuuming on a daily basis.
5. Stain-Free Furniture
If your leather furniture has stains, spray the upholstery cleaner on the stain and leave it for some time. Gently rub the blot with a wet cloth and let it dry after ten to fifteen minutes.
One of the easiest materials that get stained is suede. It's crucial to know about the care requirements. You can maintain the texture of fabrics with suede brushes. Stain repellent comes in handy for increasing the lifespan of fabrics. It also aids in making the process easy. If the material is stained, gently wipe the blot with baking soda and a suede brush.
As we know, upholstery furniture needs to be cleaned once a week. Or for deep cleaning, it needs to be cleaned once a month. So it's usually quite easy to clean the furniture by yourself. But sometimes, when Stain gets uncontrollable and permanent, this is the time to call the professionals! By following these tips, you can expand the longevity of upholstery furniture.
Spring Cleaning Services provides one of the best Upholstery Cleaning Services in Singapore. Our experts know how to clean and maintain your upholstery with the right technique and method. We have highly efficient and skilled workers who perform cleaning services that exceed your expectations. We are the trusted home cleaning experts across Singapore!